My brain is SO loud...

Picture this: you’re laying in bed (sofa, seat of your car, floor, etc..) and all you want is to breathe and enjoy the silence. But now your brain is in full thinking gear… so annoying! This is what I mean when I say that my brain is so loud!

I leave work, after listening to printers, copy machines, phone rings, people talking to me or around me. Unfortunately, I get on the road, and although it would be lovely to drive in silence, I can’t do it because I might fall asleep. So I have “no choice” but to turn on the radio, listen to people talk or sing, just to stay awake.

Now, at this point I’ve already had in my mind every possible concern for my own stuff (or the office’s) and now add any local or national news I just heard on the radio. On top of that there’s this one person on the road that drives like a maniac (or many, because I think there’s like a club that goes out in packs sometimes just to drive everyone else insane); anyway, I can either start getting upset, or in the alternative, try to understand the reasoning behind his/her/their crazy driving. Either way, my brain is working overtime right now.

So I get home.. FINALLY, I KNOW!

Some peace and quiet, right? …Nope! MY BRAIN IS STILL WORKING!

What do I do? I lay there and try to count my breaths as I heard not long ago, but it doesn’t work. I’ve tried that app (Headspace), but once my mind wanders around, it’s gone!

Let’s see… maybe a nice shower, a good drink (I prefer an ice cold vodka but some cool people drink tea), and try it again.

Hey, whatever works, as long as I get to shut down that brain and get some sleep. Right?

Okay, bye!

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